Sunday, June 9, 2024

narrate the story of my very first birth,

 Jai Sri Ram,

The wise and the learned never extol him who is hostile to sri Rama, even though he may acquire a body as exalted as that of Brahma himself, Devotion to sri Rama took root in my heart in this very body, 

Hence I hold it supremely dear, my master, although, my death depend on my will, I refuge to quit this body, because adoration of Sri Rama is not possible without a corporal frame as supported by Vedas in many ways 

At first infatuation gave me much trouble, so long as remain hostile to Rama, I never had a restful sleep, through a number of births I practiced Yoga that concentration of mind, Japa that prayer, austere penance, and charity and performed sacrifices and other acts of various kinds, which species is there in the world, in which I have not at sometime been born, during my round of births, I had experience of all kind of pursuits, My Lord, BUT I WAS NEVER SO HAPPY AS I AM NOW,

I recollect many previous experiences , in which by Shiva's grace my understanding was not clouded by infatuation, now I proceed to narrate the story of my very first birth, within my memory, which is engender in the heart of the listener love for the Lord's feet, which is remedy of all afflictions, in former Kalpa that round of creation, the world was passing through Kaliyug, the hotbed of sin, in which men and women were steeped in unrighteous and acted contrary to the Vedas,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please,