Tuesday, June 11, 2024

in the Kali age,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Every virtue had been engulfed by the sins of Kali, all good books have been disappeared, Impostors had promulgated a number of creeds which they had invented out of their won wit,

The people had all fallen a prey to delusion and all pious acts had swallowed by greed, now listen all wise mount of Sri Hari, while I describe a few peculiarities of Kali,

No one follows the duty of one's caste, four Ashrams that stages of life disappear, every man and woman takes delight in revolting against the Vedas, Brahmans sell the Vedas, the kings bleed their subject, no one respect the injunctions of Vedas, right course of every individual is that which one takes a fancy to, a man of erudition is he who plays the braggart, whoever launches spurious undertaking and is given to hypocrisy, him does everyone called a saint, he alone is clever who robes another of his wealth,

He who put up false appearances is an ardent follower of established usage, he who is given to lying,  is clever at joking is spoken as a man parts in Kali age, he alone who is reprobate and has abandoned the path of the Vedas is a man of wisdom, and dispassion, he alone who has grown big nails and long locks of matted hair is renowned ascetic in the Kali age, 

May Lord Bless all,

Thanks, please