Wednesday, June 12, 2024

In Kali age

 Jai Sri Ram,

They alone who put on an unsightly garb and ornament, eat anything, and everything, no matter it is worth eating or not, are ascetics.

They alone are perfect men and they are worth adoring in Kali age, they who are of maleficent conduct are held in great esteem, They alone are worthy of honor, Even so they are babblers in thought, word and deed are orators in the Kali age, 

Dominated by women, all men dance to their tune like a monkey controlled by its trainer, Surdas instruct the twice born that Brahman in spiritual wisdom and wearing the scared thread, accept the worst type of gifts, 

All men are given to sensuality and greed and irascible too, and are hostile to the gods, the Brahmans, the Vedas as well as the Saints, unfortunately wives desert their accomplished and handsome husband and bestows their heart on paramour,

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please