Monday, June 10, 2024

In that Kali age

 Jai Sri Ram,

In that Kali age, I was born in the city of Ayodhya and got the body of a SUDRA, devotee of Shiva, intoxicated with pride, was most loquacious and savage of purpose carried enormous load of hypocrisy, 

Even dwelt in the capital of Rama but failed to know about an iota of its glory then, now I have come to know the greatness of Ayodhya, thus has been sung by Vedas,

Whatever has resided in Ayodhya in any birth whatsoever surely become votary of Sri Rama, a man comes to know the glory of Ayodhya only when Rama, bow in hand, takes up his abode in heart,

That particular age of Kali was terrible indeed, O enemy of serpents, every men and women was given to sin, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please