Friday, June 14, 2024

invent diverse creed of their own,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Such is the practice, I have seen in every kali age, Doomed themselves, such people bring ruin even to those rare souls who tread the path of virtue,

They who had find fault in Vedas by dint of logic are condemned to each hell for a Kalpa, 

People of lowest cast enter the order of Samnyasa, allowed themselves to be worshipped by Brahmans, all men follow a course of conduct of their own imagination, the endless variety of wrongdoing cannot be described in words, 

In the age of Kali there ensues confusion of caste due to promiscuous intermarriage, and everyone infringes the scared law, man perpetuate sins and reap suffering, overcome by delusion they walk not in the path of devotion to Sri Hari, invent diverse creed of their own, 

May Lord bless all,

Thanks, please