Friday, August 9, 2024

base metal is transmuted by the touch of philosopher's stone,

 Jai Sri Ram,

Though contact with the virtuous even the wicked get reformed, just as base metal is transmuted by the touch of philosopher's stone, on the other hand, if by mischance good men fall into the evil company, they maintain their noble character like the gem on the hood of serpents,

Even the Speech of the deities like Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, poets and men of wisdom falters in depicting the glory of pious soul, much less can it be described by me, even as a dealer in vegetables finds himself incapable of expatiang on the qualities of gems, 

I bow to the Saints that even minded to all and have no friend and foe just a flower of good quality placed in the palm of one which plucked it and that which held and reserved it, realizing thus the noble disposition and loving nature of saints, who are innocent at heart and catholic in spirit, I make this humble submission to them, 

Listening to my child like prayer and taking compassion on me, O Noble souls, bless me with devotion to the lotus feet of Sri Rama,

Jai Siya Ram,