Thursday, August 8, 2024

Wisdom dawns not without association with saints

 Jai Sri Ram,

Man who having heard the glory of this moving Prayaga in the form of the assemblage of Holy men appreciate it with an enraptured mind and then take a plunge into it with extreme devotion obtain the four rewards of human existence during their very life time,

The result of immersion into the sacred waters of Prayaga instantly perceived, crows turns into cuckoo's and herons into swans, let no one marvel to hear this, the glory of contact with saints is no secret, 

Valmiki, Narada and Agastya, who born of pitcher, have related the story of their birth and transformation with their own lips, of the various creatures, both animate and inanimate, living in this world, whatever in water or land or air, whoever has attained wisdom, glory, salvation, material prosperity or welfare anywhere and by any means whatsoever, know it to be the result of association with holy men, There is no other mean either in the world or in the Vedas

Wisdom dawns not without association with saints and such saints cannot be easily had without the grace of Rama, contact with noble souls is the root of joy and blessings, it constitute the very fruit and fulfilment of all endeavours, 

Jai Siya Rama