Saturday, August 10, 2024

greet with a sincere heart

  Jai Sri Ram,

Again, I greet with a sincere heart the malevolent class, who are hostile without purpose even to the friendly, to whom others loss is their own gain, and who delight in others desolation, and wail over their prosperity,

They try to eclipse the Glory of Lord Vishnu and Shiva as Rahu intercept the light of Moon in lunar eclipse and same in case of solar eclipse , detect other's faults as if with thousand eyes and their mind mars others interests even as a fly spoils clarified butter,

In splendour they emulate the fire and In anger they vie with the god of death, like the rise of a comet their advancement augurs ill for others interest, like the slumber of Kumbhakarna their decline alone is propitious for the world, they lay down their life in order to harm others, even as hailstone dissolves after destroying the crop, 

revered the wicked soul as the fiery Thousand tongued serpent god Sesa, in so far as he eagerly expatiates on others faults with thousand tongues as it were, again, I bow to King Prthu who prayed thousand ears to hear the glories of Lord, inasmuch as he hears of others faults, once more do I supplicate to Indra that lord of celestials, in so far as wine appears charming and beneficial to him, harsh language is dear to him even as the thunderbolt is fondly cherished by Indra and he detects other's faults with thousand eyes as it were,

Jai Siya Ram,