Tuesday, August 6, 2024

career of the cotton plant

 Jai Sri Ram,

With its very appearance the bright eyes of the mind get opened, the attendant evils and sufferings of the night of mundane existence disappears, and gems and rubies in the shape of stories of Rama, both patent and hidden, wherever and in whatever mine they may be, come to light,

As for instance, by applying to the eyes the miraculous salve known by the name of Siddhanjana that eye salve of protection, srivers, adepts as well as men of wisdom easily discover a host of mines on hill tops, in the midst of forest and in the bowels of earth, 

The dust of the Guru's feet is a soft and agreeable, salve, which is ambrosia as it were for the eyes and remedies the defects of vision, Having brightened my eyes of discemented thereby I proceed to relate the Story of Rama, which secure freedom from the bondage of mundane existence

First I revered the feet of Brahmans, the very gods of the earth, who are able to dispel all doubts born of ignorance, then I make loving obeisance to the whole body of pious souls, the mine of all virtues, the conduct of holy man is noble as the career of the cotton plant, the fruit whereof is tasteless, white and fibrous, even as the doings of saints yields results which are free from attachments, stainless and full of goodness,

Jai Siya Rama,