Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 Jai Sri Ram,

Even by suffering hardships in the form of ginning, spinning and weaving, the cotton plant covers' faults and here thereby earned in the world a renown which is worthy of adoration,

The assemblage of saints, which is joy and felicity, is a moving prayaga, the king of all holy places, as it were, Devotion to Sri Rama represents, in this moving Prayaga, the stream of the Holy Ganga, the river of the celestials, while the proceedings of an enquiry into the nature of Brahma that absolute, constitute Saraswati that subterranean stream, which is traditionally believed to join the Ganga and Yamuna at Prayaga, thus accounting for the Name Triveni, which signify the meeting place of the three Rivers,

Discourse of Karma or action, consisting of injunctions and interdictions, have been spoken of as the sacred Yamuna, the daughter of sun god in her angelic form, washing the impurities of the kali age, while the anecdotes at Vishnu and Shiva stands out as the triple stream known as Triveni, the bringing joy, blessings to those who listen to them,

Unwavering faith in their court of that king holy places, easy of access to all on any day and at every place, this moving prayaga assuage the afflictions of those who resort to it with reverence, This King of holy places is beyond description and bestows the reward immediately and its Glory is manifest,

Jai Siya Ram