Monday, August 5, 2024

Merciful Lord Ganesha

 Jai Sri Ram,

May the Merciful Lord Ganesha, whose grace enables the dumb to wax eloquent and a cripple to ascend an inaccessible mountain, and who burns all the impurities of the Kali age, be moved pity, May Lord, who ever sleeps on the ocean of milk and who is swarthy as a blue lotus and has eyes resembling a pair of full blown red lotuses, take up his abode in my bosom, 

May the crusher of cupid, Bhagwan Shiva, whose form resembles in colors the jasmine flower and the moon, who is consort of Goddess Parvati and an abode of compassion and who is fond of all afflicted, be gracious, 

I Bow to the lotus feet of my Guru, who is an ocean of mercy and is no other than Sri Hari himself in human form, and whose words are sunbeams as it were for dispersing the mass of darkness in the form of gross ignorance, I greet the pollen like dust of the lotus feet of my preceptor, refulgent, fragrant , and flavoured with love,

It is lovely power of life giving herb, which allays the host of all the attendants ills of mundane existence, it adorns the body of lucky person even as white ashes beautify the person of Lord Shiva, and brings forth sweet blessings and joy, it rubs the dirt off the beautiful mirror in the shape of devotee's heart, when applied to the forehead in the form of Tilaka that religious mark, attracts host of virtues, the splendor of gems in the form of nails on the feet of blessed Guru unfolds divine vision in the heart by its very thought,  the luster disperses the shades of infatuation, highly blessed is he in whose bosom it shines,

Jai Siya Ram