Sunday, August 4, 2024

obeisance to the eternal preceptor in the Form of Lord Sankara,

 Jai Sri Ram,

I Reverence the lotus feet of Lord Ganesha, and limit of compassion  and intellect Goddess Saraswati, begetter of all blessings, I greet the goddess Gauri along with Lord Shiva that embodiment of reverence and faith respectively, without which the adept cannot perceive God enshrined in their very Heart,

I make obeisance to the eternal preceptor in the Form of Lord Sankara, who is all wisdom and resting on whose brow the crescent moon,  

I Pay homage to the Sage Valmiki, and legend of Ram Bhakti Sri Hanuman, both of whom sport in the holy woods in the shape of glories of Devi Sita and Bhagwan Ram, I bow to the lotus feet of Goddess Sita that responsible for creation, sustenance and dissolution, removes afflictions and begets all blessings, 

I adore Lord Hari, known by the name of Rama, superior to and lies beyond all causes, whose Maya holds sway over the entire universe, whose presence lends positive reality to the world of appearance, even as the false notion of a serpent is entertained with reference to a rope, whose feet are the only bark for those who eager to cross the ocean of mundane existence, May Ganesha, the leader of Shiva's retinue, whose very thought, ensures success, who by nature is repository of wisdom and abode of blessed qualities, shower his grace,

Jai Siya Ram