Sunday, March 4, 2012

feelings of Bharat

Jai Sri Rama

Guru understands the feelings of Bharat and requested Rama to listen him for a while to dispel the dark of his heart.

Though Bharat was unable to speak a word still he made it to open his heart in the assembly of nobles.

Please, I have nothing to submit, I know the deposition of my master, who is never angry even with the offender-to me he has been particularly kind and affectionate is known fact.

From my infancy I never left his company and at no time did he damp my spirits, I have realized the benevolent ways of my lord, who would have me win a game even though I had lost it.

But fate could not bear to see me treated with fondness, if I say that my mother wicked and in virtues will be sickness of my mind, my ill luck is unfathomable like an ocean.

In vain did I torment my mother by taunting her without estimating the consequences of my sins.

I know that Sita and Rama are masters for this I presume that all will be well in the end.

May lord bless all

Thanks please